09 October 2012

Happier Than A Bodybuilder Directing Traffic

Sometimes at work you got to keep things interesting. This is a convo Lindsay and I had on work I.M. after I left a little Post-It note on her desk (can i tell you how much i like IMing people i work with? it's awesome. super convenient too because if you just have a simple question, IM someone...you dont even have to loose time getting up and walking over there)
Lindsay : lol. did you leave #stalkeralert??
Natasha: no.
   ◄       that's weird
   ◄       maybe you have a stalker
Lindsay: hahaha it is SOOOO your hand writing
Natasha: rofl.
◄         tricked you!
Lindsay: haha you stalker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natasha: SOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cody, Rachel & I decided I'm channelling Snow
White with my dark hair and red lips. #legit
Last Friday (9/28), I was planning on seeing Pippin in Kansas City...until I started reading reviews and realizing the plot line might not be 100% appropriate. So I went to work looking up other stuff to do. I found two acceptable options. 1. See a community play production of Annie. 2. See Boys Like Girls in concert for only $20. Both were good options, but i'm a sucker for the theatre. So Rachel, Cody, and I got dolled up to go to Columbia, MO to eat. We were planning on going to a nice little jazz restaurant ..but we left a little too late. So we managed to get to the theatre with 15 minutes to spare, and since there were some reservations that didn't show up, we got tickets. The best actress award goes to the perfectly ridiculous evil orphan keeper, Miss Hannigan was. However, I think the best part of the night was the end...when the whole audience joined in with the cast to sing "Tomorrow", so I got to belt out the song with my new friends. It was legendary! Then we met up with Cody's sister and her friends to get some frozen yogurt (yuck). But it was nice. We ended up getting back to Sedalia at 1-ish. I felt like a bad influence keeping them out so late :)

Saturday (9/29), I was planning on going with Sage to Kansas City to meet up with Lindsay & her boyfriend, Alex, who came in for the weekend to visit. However, I couldn't get a hold of Sage, so I didn't want to leave without her. So I turned on my computer only to discover that Alias had come to Netflix. #dreamcometrue So i sat on my couch relaxing and watching Alias. By the time I decided I wanted to do something, it was too late to go to Kansas City, so I continued watching Alias :) Then Sage responded. She had slept in. lol. We decided to make plans to meet up with Alex and Lindsay at DQ that night. It was a lot of fun. Alex is a cool guy and super nice. He surprised Lindsay with a couple's massage #lucky I told him if he ever wanted to give surprise me with a massage, I would love one :) lol.  Afterwards, Sage came over, and I introduced her to Scandal. I know, right? We stayed up till 3:30am watching Scandal. SOOOO GOOD! Then I had to get some sleep for church.

I got a calling at church. Gospel Principle's teacher. aka my fav calling EVER! I'm super excited. Church was good, but I was a tired. I had trouble getting to sleep that night because my throat was hurting too. But Monday morning (Oct 1st), I woke up feeling terrible, especially at 4:30am in order to get to work by 5am. Why was I going to work so early? Inventory week. If it wasn't inventory week, I would have called in sick because I felt terrible, but I went in anyways. What is Inventory Week, the first week in October in the Sedalia facility, we do a physical count of all the inventory in our factory for an audit to check that the computer is correct and to account for lost or misplaced inventory. Our area "misplaced" about 125 motors...really, it was just shipped to China, but that information got lost a few weeks ago. But it was a great time to really get to know the guys in my area. There are about six total who work on a regular basis in my area. We bonded. The first day, we finished counting out area. Seriously. 2.5 more days of sitting around. So we talked a lot. I learned a lot from them too. I learned:
  • how to cook raccoon meat. you got to boil it first. then bake it with lots of bbq sauce.
  • turtle meat is tough like goat
  • what Noodling Catfish is
  • there is a man called Turtleman with a tv show called Call of the Wildman (which is supposedly amusing, more because of what the two main guys say more than what they do) who likes to catch wild animals with his barehands.

Basically, lots of good things. Tuesday morning, the company brought in some Papa Jake's donuts....SOOOO GOOD! At one point, I was up at my desk and Sage messages me to tell me I'm in trouble because I came in a little late. (aka, Sage took me to work because I didn't have to come in till 7am and Lindsay had to be in at 5 again). She looked all serious and I started freaking out. Then she told me it was a joke. #trickysage
And speaking about being tricky, another guy came into my area while we were sitting around bonding. He asked me who I was, and me and the guys were just talking about how I did welding in high school, so i responded, "the new welder". He looked at me like i was kidding and asked one of the guys, "is she really?" and one of the guys said, "yeah, she's really good." lol. #practicaljokesatwork

While I was down there, one of the guys from Lindsay's area found me to tell me more info about the dodgeball league they're having. I told them I couldn't this Wednesday because of the Presidential debates. He looked at me and said "you're a nerd, aren't you?" it normally takes people a little longer to figure that out, but i responded positively :) I told him how I wanted to make cupcakes and have a little party. The debates were hysterical. Cody let me borrow her food dye. I had a little trouble getting the red to look red...it looked pink #sadday but I continued. Marjin said my cupcakes look like they're Israeli. The actual cupcake is supposed to be red, white, & blue. but either way....im super impressed, and i did the little icing decorating with a little plastic snack baggie that i bit a hole into a corner. (new item on my Christmas Wish List: icing tips)

The rest of the week I was still sick but slowly improving. As soon as I left work on Thursday to start my 3-day weekend/holiday, I donned my awesome red lip gloss and began the long drive to Kansas City. It was cold so I got a hot chocolate as soon as I arrived, and of course spilled on myself shortly after. With my sinuses all out of whack, I still managed to survive a flight to Salt Lake City on Thursday night. I caught my shuttle to Elo's house, and managed to stay up to socialize for a bit, as the exhausting week was slowly catching up to me.

lo mejor!
Friday (10/5), I woke up and read a bit from my NOOK, and eventually one of the 9 roommates, suggested we watch some ALIAS! It's like she knows my soul already! I found Elo, and since I was bored being inside, I put on my super cute blazer and headed into town with my phone's GPS as my guide. First stop...Starbucks. I was going to get a hot chocolate...but then decided to go for the healthy choice of Orange Juice and some banana bread for my breakfast (at noonish...did i mention i hadn't eaten all morning?) After boosting my blood sugar and attacking my body with Vitamin C, I decided I must have some retail therapy because I work too much. I hit up H&M first. The closest thing to Europe I have in my life. Then I learned in Banana Republic that the colors for fashion are maroon and dark yellow. #learnsomethingneweveryday Elo joined my shopping excursion and we shopped all afternoon, until we had to go back to the house for the reunion. I changed from my skinny jeans to my pencil shirt and voilá, I was ready. #lowmaintenanceattimes We took the traks down to Murray and walked to the Mexican restaurant I made reservations at for all the hermanas to meet up before the reunion and eat. It was awesome to see everyone. Even Katie came up to see me, even though she didn't stay for the reunion. woohoo. The reunion was WEIRD! I couldn't handle seeing everyone in normal clothes and hugging each other. my brain was on overload. But it was nice to see my mission brothers and sisters. And of course my mission mom and dad, President and Sister Bunker. aka my heros. PBunk was in a baby blue sweater. it was great. he looked so un-intimidating. jajaja. Elo and I got to go home with Pam & Trey (the newly weds) after picking up Melissa. We drove and went to bed as soon as we got there. I was exhausted. too much socializing.

Saturday, the first day of Conference, BLEW MY MIND! First off, it was Pam & Trey, Bonnie (pam's sister), Elo, Melissa (a girl we taught in Cali who now is going to LDSBC) and me watching conference together. The prophet made an awesome announcement. LDS guys can now go on missions after they graduate high school at age 18. And girls can leave at 19 years old. Effective immediately. Do you know how many people are now eligible to go on missions now?!?!?! OH MY GOODNESS! We were all so excited. Emotions were running high. texts were being sent out. facebook statuses were being updated. trust me. in the mormon world, this is life changing. HUGE! Plus, telling that to 4 returned missionaries, one convert of these returned missionaries, and a girl who wrote all 4 missionaries while they were on the mission...it was a room of joy and excitement. The rest of the day was anticlimactic. Can you really top an announcement like that? No. But the rest of General Conference was amazing as usual. It's such a blessing to have a living prophet on the earth who is able to lead and guide Christ's church, and of course, the apostles are also equally inspiring. I am so grateful for the hand of God in directing their words and their actions. For lunch, we ate yummy pizza. YUM. After conference, we had girl time and watched Hairspray, and then went for Indian food. Melissa didn't like it too much. her chicken was green, which freaked her out.

Sunday was amazing. My fav talk was Elder Holland's talk. He gave this talk before but to missionaries, so this time it was a little different, but the message was the same. He spoke of if we love Christ, we will feed his sheep (John 21:17).  Sister Bunker shared this with us as missionaries a little before the end of my mission. I love how Elder Holland doesn't hold back. He speaks to the world as an apostle of God, and he doesn't sugar coat things.

He testifies, and the Holy Ghost confirms to me that what he's saying is true, as it does whenever the prophet and apostles of Jesus Christ speak. I think of the prophets of old, in the Bible, how grateful I am to them for writing down the words of God. I am grateful for the modern day revelation that goes on today and the knowledge I have that God spoke to his prophets of old and he speaks to his prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson.

After conference, I caught a plane ride back to Kansas City. When I arrived back to Kansas City, I picked up my beautiful Jeep Liberty and was waiting in line to get out of the lot, when one of my jams came on. Taylor Swift's "We're Never Ever Getting Back Together". So of course, I was dancing in my seat. When it was my turn, the guy asked me, "what are you rocking out to?" I responded joyfully, "taylor swift". He looked at me and said "really?" "haha. yes. really." I recommended he do it too next time he was in the car. He laughed and let me go on, and i laughed at how silly i am sometimes.

funniest thing Sage IMed to me on Tuesday 9 October:
just so you know...if there were any more than two people to be friends with here...I would totes ditch you.
jk :) 


my response:

how could you ever resist being my friend?!?!?!?! 

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