10 May 2013

So Light 'Em Up

About a month since my last post. Let's be real, it's because I've been feeling very blah. Life has been good, but I've been fighting bouts of anti-social behaviour, which means I've been trying to be more social to combat my desire to just sit in the corner of a room and not talk to anyone. Why bother, right? I wish I could just not be noticed ever, because I like flying under the radar. However, my life never works like that, because I see things and think "oh goodness, someone needs to do that or this needs to happen" but no one does it, because they dont see it. If not me, than who? So I put on a smile and do what I feel needs to be done, because otherwise it won't happen. But still, why bother? Because as much as I don't want to, I can't turn off the caring. I can try, but it builds until I spaz and draw even more attention to myself than I previously wanted. So I fight the anti-social behaviour to keep the balance. It's all about balance.

Ok. So a a few weeks worth of highlights, yeah? Okay. So Friday night (4/19) , I had a groupon was was about to expire for a large pizza, breadsticks, 2 salads, and a 2L bottle of soda. Yeah, when I bought it I thought I would have some friends over one day and use it, but that never happened. I asked Sonja if I could share it with her and Stevie because there is no way I could eat it by myself. I called in the pizza order and the person said I would have to pay a $2 fee. Ummm. pretty sure the point of Groupon is that you don't pay extra fees and stuff (unless you want to tip or something). They said it explained it on my Groupon. It did not. I called Saryah to make sure I wasn't being weird by letting this bother me, and she agreed that it was nonsensical. (not 100% that is the right way to use that word) When I got there, I told them that is wasn't on my Groupon. The guy got super rude with me, and I was like I dont believe you and in the end didn't have to pay the $2 extra but left feeling very annoyed.  Sonja gave me a kudos and we all had dinner. They also invited me to this art gallery thing and i was like.....errrrr. i have plans. When they asked what those plans were I was like...errrr. watch you got mail :/ lol. So I went home and had a nice relaxing night with me and my movie. #ilovemylife

The next day I sleep in, and like most mornings, check my phone in my sleepy haze to help me wake up. I read an email from my mom saying that her and my aunts and gpa are having crepes for lunch downtown at 11....It was 11 when I woke up. Boo. Oh well. I decided to go get groceries in my yoga pants and my fave Groundhog's hoodie. Sprouts was having a grand opening week and there were free hot dogs when I arrived. #win However, since it was a publicity stunt, there was someone taking photos. The last thing I need is a picture of me looking like a hot mess like that. Bleh. I found chia seeds, which I read about in Born to Run and some Dutch cookies that I absolutely love!!!!! I sent a pic to Marijn in excitement. On my way home, I got a call from my aunt saying they were heading to my parent's place and I said I would meet them there. I cleaned up and headed over. Gpa was there! yay! and I shared the cookies with them only to discover they did NOT taste like the Dutch cookies I know and love. They are horrible imitations. Bah humbug. We all hung out for a bit and then Aunt V and Gpa headed back home and mom and I spent the rest of the day together being vegetables. yay.

That Tuesday, I went to dinner with the Sisters and it was so much fun. Sister Jones invited Chris too, so it was pretty fun. Chris just becomes funnier ever time I see him. Where did we go? BJ's Restaurant. Why? To eat pazookies. omg. yes. yum. #bestideaever And it turns out they have a really good salad there too. yum yum.  That week I also made strides with learning the Ukrainian alphabet. I only have problems with about 5 of the letters, but that's serious improvement. woot. Thursday, I volunteered at the Mission at Serenity Ranch charity auction. It is a Houston NGO that works with women who have escape the sex-trafficking lifestyle. Yes. Sex trafficking. Let's be real people. It happens. It's real. It's a problem in America and in Houston. American girls are being brought into this life; it's not just for third-world countries. It was good to do something, even if it was manning the front desk with my cousin, Rebekah. It was a nice bonding event.

Friday night (4/26) was a night of Brave and Butterbeer! Laura & Teri Jo came over to watch brave because Teri Jo and I have never seen it. Teri Jo made us all butterbeer and we had a great night. We stayed up late girl talking and having tons of fun. That may not have been the best idea, because I was supposed to wake up early the next day. Different Laura and I volunteered to go work at the Bishop's storehouse that morning. We got there at 8:30, and got an orientation for volunteers and then got to work. We stocked shelves, helped patrons get their food, push shopping carts, and lift boxes. I've never felt so much job satisfaction in my life. It was a blast, and even better, you felt so good because you were helping people! It was past time to go before we knew it and even as we were leaving, we wanted to go back and stock a couple more shelves. lol. The senior missionary couple in charge complimented our work ethic and then went on telling us a story about how people nowadays  lack a good work ethic. #wisdomofourelders Laura and I then went to Target to get me an umbrella because it was raining and we wanted to go visit a girl we know, and we needed some food. Target Pizza Hut food. :) It was a great day. We parted ways early evening and I drove home and hung out with my parents for a while before going to the Best of Broadway NGO fundraiser night. It was awesome. They sang some of my favourite Broadway songs, and ended the night with Wicked's Defy Gravity sung by a friend of mine who has one of my favourite singing voices in the world. It was a great night.
good job satisfaction

Sunday was CRAZAY! Found out some good news from Sonja so I invited her and the fam to come over after church for some dinner! I forgot that Steven was going to be coming over for a visit too and that there would be some overlapping. I didn't really realize what that meant until that night. Kids are loud. When you are trying to have a conversation, it can force you to use your intense concentration skills. But it was a good chat. It was a little surreal, because in all honesty, I've known Steven for over a decade, but I would never really say we were friends, which is strange because a lot of my church friends were his friends, but we just never became friends ourselves. Granted, we were always friendly. I remember he gave me a ride to school after morning Bible study a couple of times. But it was nice to talk for a bit. It was also funny because Stevie and James like Steven and it was pretty funny seeing them all together. It was a crazy yelling across the room kinda fun. Overall it was a good night with friends.

The weekend past and a new exciting week was about to begin. Why was it so exciting? Because I got to go on a business trip to meet up with a team I work with in Fort Worth. They are the funniest guys! I drove up after lunch on Monday (4/29) and got there a little later than anticipated. I checked into my hotel and went to grab some dinner. Me and one of my co-workers are staying at the same hotel, and when I was checking in the lady was like "oh, a guy was waiting for you to arrive but went off to eat because it was getting late" Paul is so sweet. I went to eat and since I was flying solo, they sat me at the bar, but I didn't care because I was too busy reading Escape from Camp 14. Wow. Crazy good. After dinner, I went back and stayed up till I finished it. it was a pretty quick read but was very informative and awesome. #bookrecommendation

Tuesday was full of meetings, but was cool because I finally got to tour our Fort Worth facility. Awesome. I can see why Jon is so excited to work there. We all went out to eat Cajun food for dinner and had a blast. Wednesday, I helped with a presentation two of the team members were going to have to give on Friday and after lunch I drove back to Houston. On my way, I checked out Jon's future apartment complex to give him a 2nd opinion. he asked, i didn't creepily decide to check out his apartments on my own. lol. And I got to have dinner with my cousin Jax on my journey home too. It was a lot of fun. She's too cute. I want her to move back to Houston!

The week was going well. However, mentally, my brain was on overload and there is only one cure for moments like that in my life. I went to the temple after work on Thursday. It gave me the peace and clarity that I needed. I love the temple and I'm so grateful that I live close enough to go on a regular basis. It was perfection. To make the night better, I drove and picked up some Coco's to eat at home before some Scandal. It was the best Thursday! Friday, Sonja came over and brought dinner and 3 bottles of nonalcoholic drinks. lol. We had a party. The only downside was that I picked a super intense movie, The Impossible. It's about the tsunami in Southeast Asia. We were freaking out the entire movie. Super good, but super intense. We then stayed up super later chatting, and I was trying not to fall asleep toward the end of the night while we talked. woohoo.

Saturday, I fought the urge to never leave my room because i just wanted to stay in and read. I sat and watched Atlas Shrugged: Part 2, finally. It was a decent adaptation. Luckily, the 24 hour deadline for Redbox was approaching , so I forced myself out of my room to go return the movies. Since I was already out, I decided to follow-through on my previous plans for the day. Car shopping. I test drove 6 different cars and 6 different dealerships. Can I say, exhausting? It is exhausting having people sell you something the entire time you are there! And some of the people I just loved and wanted to buy a car from them just because i liked them. I'm ridiculous. The bummer was, I forgot my list of things I was specifically looking for, but remember a few of them. Luckily, my siblings were on standby and we were supportive with texting during the whole process. I have great siblings. I narrowed it down to 3 choices, except my brother suggested another car to check out before I make my decision and I found a different car I forgot to look at on my list I forgot to bring with me. So I have 5 choices right now. Therefore, I spent earlier this week compiling a more qualities in a car so I can make sure I compare the same specific qualities across the board to all the cars in order to have more well-rounded and knowledge base for my decision making. As Addy always says "this is a data-driven". Data driven decision.

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