13 March 2014

16 Books to Read Before They Hit Theaters This Year

I saw the buzzfeed article, and wasn't interested, but when the Library set the challenge, I said "Challenge Accepted".  #15Feb2014
These will be listed in the order I have read them:

The Giver by Lois Lowry - Read when I was a kid. Maybe that is cheating, but I'm counting it. I'll probably re-read it at a later time, but for now, I'm counting it.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead- I found this series as a senior at uni. I was skeptical at first, because of the lame vampire story stigma that Twilight left after the horrible casting and screen adaptation, but that's a different story. I read it, and loved it. There was one part where I was crying; my roommate came in and asked if I was okay. When I told her I was crying over something in the book, she said, "oh. I thought someone in your family died." #itfeltthatway One thing I like about the series, is it is one that can be reread and you still like it. I explained that to my sister, and she didn't understand what I meant until she reread it. I'm currently having one of my besties read them. She says the plot is a little slow, because all the conflict doesn't happen till the end of the book. I didn't mind it too much.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - Finished 17 March 2013. Wow. I don't even know what to say about this book. It's amazing. You know it's going to be sad when the premise is about a young cancer patient. What I didn't expect was to feel like my heart was breaking as I read the book. I cried consistently at least for about an hour reading that book. I was bawling, with the i-can't-breath-and-snot-is-running-out-my-nose tears. The only other fictional books I have had this intense emotional response to recently would be: "The Book Thief" and "Me Before You".

Divergent by Veronica Roth. - Read 25 Oct 2013.  Oh Divergent. To be honest, I would recommend the first book to anyone, as long as they promise not to read any further. The first book is great! The second is mediocre, and the third book is the worst. It is a worst 3rd-book-in-a-trilogy than Mockingjay, which is saying something if you've heard me rant about Mockingjay. The premise of Divergent is clever. I love Tris and Four. It has the makings of an epic trilogy, but she cannot keep up the momentum in the next two books. Divergent as a stand alone is good. I would never recommend the trilogy. Stop at Divergent. *Spoiler Alert* If you do decide to read on, don't get to attached to any characters, because (like in Game of Thrones, or so I've heard) everyone you love dies. The ending is terrible too.

Wild by Cheryl Strayed - Started 24 Feb 2014. Finished Abandoned 3 March 2014. This is my review from my Goodreads accound. I've officially abandoned the book after 43 pages. I should have gone further, but honestly, I hate Cheryl already. I thought it was going to be a great book along the lines of "Eat, Pray, Love". However, instead of something inspiring, it is a sad story about a girl who doesn't know how to handle grief, cheated on her (what seemed to be) supportive husband instead of going to counseling and ran away from her problems. I just can't get into her head, because she has warped reasoning and is in serious need of therapy instead of hiking around America.

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand- Started March 2014
I'll keep you updated as the reading continues.

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