01 June 2014

I'm so fancy. You already know. I'm in the fast lane, from H-town to London-o!

When planning a trip, know your audience. What are the *must see* items? Is everything a must see item or are the people you with more relaxed tourists who don't care if you see everything? Are the people really into seeing iconic tourist things or experiencing the life of just enjoying *being* there? Do they like history? Do they like tours? Do they like museums? Art, history, or both? This was our itinerary for three days in London that will accommodate a mixed group of people who've already been to London and those who are there for their first time, with an emphasis on Harry Potter fun. We did not accomplish everything on our list because I was with relaxed travelers.

Day 1:
- Tower of London - £21.45
- Camden Town
- Platform 9 ¾
- 221B Baker Street
- Trafalgar Square
- Wander London
- St-Dunstan-in-the-East
- Millennium Bridge- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens with a dramatic sequence of the London Millennium Footbridge collapsing. A pedestrian-only steel suspension bridge crossing River Thames, the Millennium Bridge links Bankside with the City and offers dramatic views of St Paul’s Cathedral as you walk from the south side to the north.
- Buckingham Palace
- Big Ben
- London Eye
- Westminster Abbey
- Redemption Bar (non-alcoholic bar)

Day 2:
- 10am Brunch at Mr Buckley’s
- 1pm Church. 2:50 Sacrament service. London YSA Ward.
- Little Venice, London- The affluent district of South Maida Vale is is interspersed with picturesque waterways and the area where the Grand Union and Regent’s Canals meet is affectionately known as Little Venice
- Covent Gardens
- Dinner with England family

Day 3:
- Harry Potter Studio Tour+Audio Tour £35.00. Train: London Euston to Watford Junction (20 minute journey) A shuttle bus, operated by Mullany's Coaches runs from Watford Junction to the Studio Tour, with a journey time of around 15 minutes. Plan to arrive at Watford Junction 45 minutes before the time stated on your ticket, and have your ticket or booking confirmation ready when boarding the shuttle bus.
- Leadenhall Market 10am - 6pm, Monday to Friday - Leadenhall Market in the City of London was used as Diagon Alley in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The entrance to wizard’s pub, the Leaky Cauldron, is an optician in Bull’s Head Passage in Leadenhall Market. Leadenhall is a superb example of a Victorian covered market with an ornate painted roof.
- (Tube: Bank) and approach the storefront at 42 Bull's Head Passage — the entrance to The Leaky Cauldron pub
- 7:30pm Les Miserables- Queen’s Theatre (everyone should do this. you can NEVER see Les Mis in West End too many times. Seriously)

Other suggestions:
- Tate Modern (art museum)
- British Museum. You could spend DAYS here.
- The British Library
- Victoria & Albert Museum (art and design museum)
- Imperial War Museum
- Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum
- walk through Hyde Park
- find the Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens
- Abbey Road (for Beatles fans)
- Jack the Ripper Tour
- High tea at St Paul's Cathedral Crypt
- Beyonce Dance Class

Everyone on their electronics
Now onto the trip!
Rule #1. It's hard, but you have to get on a sleeping schedule or you'll suffer from jet lag longer than you want. Don't go to bed before 10pm each night, and wake up at 8am the first 2 days at least. This will help you get over jetlag ASAP. Don't nap whenever you sit down because it will throw off your internal clock. You want to be exhausted when you go to sleep because you want to be able to sleep through the night. Otherwise, you'll be able to fall asleep but wake up super early due to jet lag. 
Rule #2. Stay off your electronics, especially your phone! You're on vacation!
The Tower of London is *ALWAYS* a good idea. Saryah goes here all the time. It's a little strange. I don't think you can come here enough. The beefeaters (the guys in uniform) are always the best tour guides. I don't know how they do it, but you fall in love with them! Coolest people ever. The story of the two princes is always a fan favourite.
I wish this photo wasn't as fuzzy as it is....but I love it! There is an official queue up to this spot to take a photo. There are official people there taking photos that you can buy later, but you don't have to. They will let you take your own photos. We probably waited 30-45 minutes in line, but after we got through, the line doubled in size. Poor Erica, I was grilling her on the exact angle and time to take the picture so I could get the perfect photo. I'm intense.

 I just want to shout out to the guy in this photo who went to a crepe stand in Camden Town and just had them give him strawberries drizzled with Nutella, hold the crepe. Way to go stranger!
 The sun never sets on the British Empire. I love this poster. We were at brunch, and I felt so patriotic. #brits
Sunday was a relaxing day to walk around. We went out to Covent Gardens for a nice stroll and cool shake, since it was so hot out. Before heading over to Kate's for Sunday dinner. I adore Kate! Ben and Rachel drove down to see us too. I love family time in England! Especially when Ben and Saryah do yoga together. As we always say, a family who does yoga together, stays together.
Okay, let's be real. I'm such a Harry Potter nerd, I really just want to post all the pictures I took during the HP Studio Tour. I've been wanting to do this tour since the moment I heard it was going to open. I tried to back in 2012, but the weekend I booked, the studio was closed for some unknown reason. I'm still angsty about it.  You start off in this line to get you pumped. You then enter a standing room to see a video getting you excited. Then you sit in movie theater seats to see this little introduction video. No lie: I cried. No lie: Erica cried too. Words cannot describe how much Harry Potter has meant to me in my life, even though I tried to explain it once
 Wow. Could this lighting be any more beautiful?!?! Natural lighting forever! This is the back set. I have officially walked where the HP cast has walked. I loved every moment of it. Erica had her first butterbeer here.
Knight Bus! All Aboard!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Diagon Alley
They say the Mirror of Erised would show the happiest person a reflect of themselves, exactly as they are. I can tell you, I was probably the happiest person alive when I was there. The Mirror showed true. #fangirl

I could have done the whole thing again, but Erica and Saryah were tired and hungry. We went back into London to have some fish and chips for dinner before Les Miserables (my favourite!!!)  The whole cast brought their A-game, and I was eternally grateful. Next stop...Paris.

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