15 May 2012

New Zealand: North Island

Truth: this may be the most difficult blog post I have ever written. It took me forever to figure out how to access my blog and let's not get started with how tempermental the writing on a phone part is getting.
Weta Cave in Wellington. I'm with an Orici :)
Anyways, I have pretty limited internet access. Right now we're sitting in the Te Papa museum in Wellington. We just returned our rental car because it is terrible to try and find parking here. Too much effort. Anyways, lack of internet means a lack of connection and communication to the real world. For someone transitioning into a new job and trying to get details still figured out, this is kinda frustrating because I don't know what's really going on right now. But I did get an email saying we're going to be getting a rosetta stone language thing for the country we are living in and it will be passed around depending on whichever country we are living with. Woot!

I'm glad im doing this trip now because I feel like a novice traveller. I keep forgetting basic things that I used to know about travelling. Plus, I didn't fin. some leather boots before I came so my shoes keep on getting wet over and over again. So cold feet with the rainy weather. Oh well. But I talked to a Sister Missionary at the Hamilton temple from Italy and she said Munich has great leather boots. So I may just wait and deal with the wet shoes and cold feet. It's been pretty rainy here but it's been fun.

Two of my dreams have come true these past 2 days.
1. I bottle fed a baby lamb.
2. I saw maori people do the haka. Legit.

We head to the south island tomorrow, starting off in Christchurch. It should be loverly.

Oh, and i've also discovered the secret to waking up early in the morning really well rested. You go to sleep early! :) no really. I've been getting up at 7 or 8 am bc I got to bed at 8 or 9 pm each night. It's brilliant.
Funny sign
Oh goodness...my phone is being mean so im going to post this.

Photos added at a later date:

New Zealand Hamilton LDS Temple

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