03 June 2012

Prepping for Work

I just got back from New Zealand, and I've been getting ready for work this week.

Monday: Woke up after maybe 5 hours of sleep to see off Uncle John and Grandma. Due to the lack of sleep and stress of all the work paperwork I was doing, I was pretty crabby most of the day. Went shopping with James at West Oaks and The Galleria. He left me after about 2 hours. Best news: Express dress pants fit me like they were made for me. The funny part is: I have to wear the petites, so it makes me feel super dainty :)

Tuesday: Got to sleep 13 hours. Glorious. However, in the first 9 hours I was awake, I was shopping for about 7 of them. Spent the day at Katy Mills Mall. Had someone told me there was an Express there, I wouldn't have gone to West Oaks yesterday. Got a suit. Super classy. Shout out to Banana Republic because they are my work brand with Express. Other pants that fit me well. I just have to have mom hem the pants. They're too long. But it's okay. It is sooo hard to find pants that fit. True story. And I had a 50% of coupon for NY Company, but didn't find anything. Lame.

Wednesday: I was still shopping and making sure I had everything. I was soooo exhausted. I could barely move by the afternoon. We were going to go up to San Antonio, but it didn't work out because I still had so much to do and I was too tired to go to San Antonio. It was sad.

Thursday: more organizing. I'm doing a lot of donation boxes. It's kinda ridiculous how much crap I have. Even with all the boxes of stuff out of my room. It barely made a dent. I want to become a minimalist, but everything i have has a purpose. How can you choose?

Friday: It was Jamsie's birthday. We went to Coco's for brunch. It was soooo yummy. and it was nice to see my bro. Then I fell asleep on the way home, and continued to nap the entire day away. I was in intense denial about the whole moving thing. So instead, I went to Barnes and Noble to read a book. It was lovely. Then I locked myself inside the house because I was home alone for the night. Then when mom and dad did come home, mom was messing with the doorknob, so i thought someone was breaking in. I'm such a paranoid person!

Saturday: Woke up and went to CityCentre to have brunch with Nay. It was awesome!!! It's funny because we haven't seen each other in literally...years. But it was like no time had passed at all. It was awesome. I think it's because Nay is so chillax; she thinks its because we know so much about each other that it's hard to not get along. Lol. Then I went home and packed for hours. HOURS!!!! I showed mom and dad NZ pics and then went over to Hollister's and we painted toes and caught up. I went home to finish up some packing and the freak-out set in. Anxiety and Nerves. Bah humbug.

Hoy/Sunday: I barely slept last night. Woke up at 5:30. Sooo early. but mom took me to the airport. My freakout was still there but not so much. Got to Kansas City and met with Jon, one of my co-workers. we chatted the whole way to work and it was really nice. He's from Michigan and he's such a gentleman. It was cool cuz we had the same kind of questions, and we were both nervous. I'm glad that we just got along so i have a little friend. And he as a girlfriend and he just says the sweetest things about her. it was ADORABLE! Anyways, im sitting in my hotel.

First day of work tomorrow. Eep!!!

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