16 November 2012

Coming Full Circle

When I left Arizona, I was done. I thought a chapter of my life had closed and a new one began. I've done that a lot since high school graduation. Never stayed in one place too long. Took advantage of opportunities to see the world, meeting new people, and disappear into the unknown. After high school, I found a new beginning in Arizona. However, the thing with beginnings is a middle and end follows. And my middle was not always the best story. Looking back I see that everything I went through, the good and the bad, especially the bad, I appreciate now more than ever. I also made two of the most amazing friends in the world during my time in az. they are my heroes, and i still wonder why they like me sometimes. So after six months post-graduation, it was time to return.

the first time i met little lia
The week of Oct 29-Nov 2 was INSANE! It was time for Lindsay's Kaizen, and there was a lot of physical labor involved. Now, this for me was strenuous, but fun; i was able to get in touch with my inner tom-boy and enjoy myself. It was super busy and Nov 1, 2012 was my first 14 hour workday. Crazy, I know. But the best part was that on Nov 2, I would be catching a flight to Arizona, to see my newly born niece. Little Miss Lia. The other best part, is it was a surprise for my bff, Stine, who just gave birth that morning. Me, Erica, and Stine's husband had been keeping it a secret for about a month. I was really excited to pull off such an elaborate surprise. I was kicked out of the office so I wouldnt miss my flight by Terrance, and I got there with time to spare. I was anxious/excited the entire plane ride, because I just wanted to be around my besties. Erica picked me up at the airport. I dropped my stuff off at her place and we went to get some dinner because I forgot to eat beforehand. Chipotle time! Then we headed to the hospital. Stine's husband texted and said that Stine suspected something was up. uh oh. So I got my disguise and put it on in the hospital bathroom as Erica went in alone. I waited 5 minutes before entering...and when I did, the brilliant script I had written in my head evaporated, and my mind went blank. Stine saw right through my disguise and  we spent the evening there with my little baby niece! Then it was bedtime for mommy and baby, so Erica and I made one last stop before our bedtime...to Bahama Bucks. It was fun and then we stayed up super late chatting.

Saturday (11/3) was brilliant, I accidentally woke up too early for Erica (2 hour time difference jet lag and all). Took a shower and read a book. Then when she got up we went and got mani/pedis. It was glorious. After weeks of being in the factory practically daily on my project, it was nice to be girlie and get pink glittery nail polish, and a nice autumn color on my toes. Oh the joys of womanhood :) Then, we went to see our new fav movie together...Pitch Perfect. Once again...funniest movie of the year. We went back to hang out for a bit before meeting Ben for dinner. I was so excited because Ben is the best and we went out to eat Ethiopian food, one of my fav cuisines!!!! Can I just say, that my friends are seriously the best. I dont know how I get so lucky because when it's right, it's right. The friendship chemistry we have is through the roof. I have been trying to make erica and ben hang out for too long and i think they finally see what i see....awesomeness. We went to the AZ State Fair that night...it was ben's first time going. It was soooo much fun! We rode rides, screamed like we were going to die, and enjoyed it all. We even bought deep fried food. It was my first time. Deep friend twinkie, deep fried snickers, and a deep fried pop tart. Heart attack, get ready to meet your new friend, me! It was a night to remember. Especially when erica and ben started prancing a being super silly and i though oh no, maxed out on sillyness. (This is due to having to control my crazy around Lindsay so she doesn't kill me). And then I laughed because my az friends are just as crazy as i am and i never have to tone it down around them. I had sooo much energy after being around them, I didnt want to head to bed. Sadly, my friends were ready to call it a night.

Sunday we had early morning church and I got to sit in between Ben and Erica and have too much fun for my own good. Then we got to go to sunday school together! #spoiled After church I went to see Stine one last time before heading out. They spoiled me by letting me hold Lia the entire time we were there, except for a few minutes when they have other visitors and i had to give her up, but i got her quickly back. She is really the prettiest baby EVER! The three amigas got a 4th added to their crew. Spend the afternoon with the new family and then went back to Erica's for some R&R before my flight. Erica made me spaghetti for dinner...yum  yum. and Ben came over as we were watching YouTube videos. This is the best one. We chatted and watched more YouTube videos because it is better to laugh than say goodbyes. I really wasn't ready to go, but they told me I needed to head out or I would be late. I said my goodbyes and went to the airport, where I checked in 27 mins before take off...3 minutes too late. They would not let me check in and I had to reschedule my flight for the next day #badluck I felt super dumb and had to call Erica to come pick me up again. I was in such a bad mood because I couldnt believe that I missed my flight because I got there too late. So we drove over to Ben's where we watched the CES Fireside. I feel bad with how crabby I was. Ben was really nice and made Erica and I a sandwhich, and they both didnt tease me because they knew how upset I was with myself. We had a nice time which ended with me feeling very angsty. I went to bed feeling hopeful because the good thing about missing my flight was that I would be able to go to the Bro Richardson's 7:30 institute class.

Monday morning started super early, but Erica and I went to the institute building for her 6am meeting, and I went to hide in a corner and read Jesus the Christ by Talmage. I chose one of my fave chairs to curl into. It was glorious. After reading a bit, I decided to walk on campus to get some breakfast. Yum Yum. It was weird being on campus, but practiced my Alias abilities and stepped back into my college student persona, where I plugged into my iPod and walked down to the MU. I felt that I was pretty convincing as a college student :)  I then went up to learn more about the scriptures. can i just say, I LOVE BRO RICHARDSON'S CLASSES!!!!!!!!! Seriously, life changing, everytime. I love his "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" moments. I love learning about the scriptures and it's like he teaches in the exact way that I need to get the most out of my scripture study. It was a moment of sunshine during a day of feeling bad about missing a plane. I got a taxi to the airport since everyone was in class and made sure I had plenty of time to spare. Even then...bad luck followed me like the plague. (this following part is more accurate as i wrote it as a rant the day of the event) so i was directed to the wrong gate entrance  because i had my boarding pass emailed to my phone so i would have it with me and the one on my phone doesnt say which gate, so i trusted some guy who worked there. but even then, i dont know what happened, but i ended going to another wrong gate, where i had a panic attack because my driver's license was not in my wallet. somehow it had gotten loose in my purse. then i had time to spare, so i wanted a hot chocolate, but the line was so long, i needed to leave it to get to my plane in time. when i tried to go to my plane, there was a TSA emergency and they wouldnt let us leave the area of the airport we were in. i barely made it onto the plane, and it left late. then i got to missouri where i needed to change out our rental because it needs an oil change. they tried to downgrad me to a ford fiesta from a ford escape because technically we should have never gotten it in the first place, i managed to convince them to just let me keep the car anyways, even though it needs an oil change. i got to Kansas City and it was rainy and super cold. The drive home lasted forever, but I managed to finally make it back without having to use GPS. #alittletoolate The day seem to go on forever, but it was nice to finally get to bed and go back to normalcy. 

Wed (11/7) I couldnt concentrate at work. I found out where in Houston I'm going to live. I started looking for all the goodies around me. I found an indoor swimming pool to go swimming, the closest B&N, public library, and Target. I told Becca about it and she thought it was funny that I see civilization as synonomous with commercialism. Maybe maybe. I also started looking up institute classes and where I will be going to church. It turns out i'm heading to the YSA ward i should have been going to whenever im at home but never did because i wanted to hang out with the parentals #irony. I got shot at work as well and there was pain all in my arm because of it, so i didnt go to dodgeball, instead Cody came over after work and we hung out and ate Nutella. #goodtimes

Thursday (11/8) I talked to Petra on IM and she says she just had a 5 day weekend due to German holidays. Why am I not there?!?!?! She asked what I did this past weekend, so I told her I was able to take a short trip to AZ for the weekend and she said "I can´t believe that you can live there :D"  My thoughts we along the same.  Later at work, Lindsay and I were working on our arts and crafts and I said "guess what?...nevermind" and lindsay said "what".  i said "nothing"and she said, "i know when you say that it's going to be something i dont want to hear. what is it?" lol. Im pretty sure it was really relevant and had to do with work too. lol.

Friday (11/9) after work, i didnt move from my couch all night. I wanted to go to a YSA bonfire in Columbia, but it was too cold to go out. plus i had no motivation since lindsay went to st. louis and sage was in rolla all weekend. #nofriends

Saturday (11/10), I drove with Sofia and Cody to the YSA conference up in Columbia. The classes were good and i got some really good investment advice from a personal investment major guy. Then I went to go on my blind date/double date. Sadly...it didnt really happen because They got lost on the way to Columbia. So I thought that meant I was homefree. I was remembering why I hated YSA dances and wanting to leave, when I started talking to a girl sitting next to me. It turns out she is an RM and was an ASL missionary! How cool is that?!?!? Of course, missionary work is one of my most favorite things to talk about so we were having a blast when Rachel arrives and introduced me to my date. #sarcasticgreat but we started talking and it turns out he's much cuter in person (because sage and i already facebook found and stalked him, with only a first name to go on during the commerical break on our thursday night social time) and he was soooo sweet and really funny. We had so much fun. He even got me to swing dance, which i normally do not do. We practiced dips and the really cool dip that you dip and then untwist your arms so you fall a little further to the ground and it looks epic. I felt pretty cool. But we had a lot of fun. Best date comeback ever.

On Sunday, my last sunday here, I went to mission prep. WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN DOING THAT THE ENTIRE TIME!?!?!?!!? I LOVED IT. And thus began my last week in Sedalia. Finalmente. It's been slow just tying up loose ends and finishing up things from work.

The Evolution of Lindsay:
Taco Tuesday (11/13) was eventful as it was the day of Lindsay's Evolution. For those Pokemon fans, (this is for you Lindsay) it's like a pokemon evolution. Like Pikachu evolving into Raichu or Mew evolving into MewTwo.  It was epic. It started with us leaving The EndZone after taco tuesday. We decided to get some festive drinks from starbucks (hot chocolate addition season commences). Lindsay said something...in a silly voice!!! I laughed soooo hard! Then we were turning into the parking lot and she made a funny noise to express emotion!!! I looked at her and she said "you did this to me" I couldnt contain myself any longer. I died laughing. it was epic. momentous. words cannot describe how glorious this moment was in my life

Tuesday night ended with my last institute class in sedalia, and i was sad. i learned so much in that class. Wednesday Lindsay and I had our final presentation and a giant training session. Thursday we had another training session and paperwork to finish up along with eat the monthly company hosted lunch (it was thanksgiving food!)

Now, my time in Missouri is coming to a close, and once again, it is time to return. It's time to go home. I am excited; I cannot wait. Life always comes full circle.

2012 Boy Advice Awards:
Best Advice goes to Marijn! "if he doesn't like you, he's an idiot" sometimes, you just got to hear that from someone you trust
Funniest Advice goes to Lindsay! Lindsay said: This is why you need to get drunk, then you can call him and tell him how you feel and you wont care if he doesn't like you back!
lolz. i love my friends.

Poem of the Week:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas

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