I had been debating on going all week because they wanted to go bar-hopping. (Bar-hopping in Sedalia consists of going to Fritters, the sports bar and then to Dukes 'N Boots, the western bar) I decided to go and eat with everyone and then leave if they were getting super drunk, because I hate being around drunk people. So we went to the place a little late...only for Lindsay to forget her ID. We ran back home and decided to pick up Sage as well so we wouldnt have to drive seperate cars. We went and arrived around 7:30....everyone had been there since 6. #fashionablylate We all hung out. I was really confused when the waitress asked to see my ID for ordering a strawberry lemonade, and she apologized and explained there is an alcoholic strawberry lemonade too. #heckno so we chatted and hung out before going to Duke 'N Boots. Can I just say....it was quite the experience, and I ended staying till midnight because we were having SO MUCH FUN! I had shirley temples all night long as we hit the dance floor. Lindsay and I finally line danced together! It had been a goal of Lindsay's to line dance ever since we got to Missouri. Mika was soooo funny and kept asking us to dance. I didnt realize that two-stepping is not like riding a bicycle, I didnt remember how to do it very well. Sage made a new friend. But it was great on the dance floor. We even saw a guy from work there on a date, and he photo bombed 2 of our pics, because Sage found a disposable camera from years ago and we all decided we would take pics with her camera all night. The guys wanted to go cow tipping after the bar that night, but I drove us girls home and they stayed behind. Lindsay told me the next morning they went, but all the cows ran away when they got somewhat close, so they gave up. But I went home, and ended up doing wash because my clothes smelled of cigarette smoke. I hate cigarette smoke. Truth be told, it was a good last night in Sedalia.

When I woke up Sunday (11/18) morning, I felt like i was going to meet Lindsay in the hall...but she was gone. She had an earlier flight and took the hotel shuttle. It was up to me to return the rental. I drove there, and luckily because of my huge luggage, a Hertz guy drove me and some other business guy to our terminals. I flew back to Houston and my big broseph picked me up at the airport. We went back to his place to chilax and have brunch together. He then drove me to my new home...in a hotel. Yeah, did i mention I live in a hotel now? yeah. I dont feel grown-up enough to be living in a hotel. But, he helped me move and and once again (germany déjà vu) I needed hangers. On our way out to church, I asked the front desk to get me some more hangers. the lady asked "how many?" and I said, "about 20 or 30" and she looked at me like i was crazy until realizing that I was living there for the next few months. At church, saryah had drove up too and all three of us were at church together. it was so nice! The best part was, the peterson's were there! and i sat next to them. they are too funny. After church they had a little mingle session over rice crispy treats. yum. i love rice crispy treats. We had our first new tradition of having family Sunday dinners at home. I had a really good first night back and had to take a taxi back to my place so I could be there to pick up my rental car they were dropping off for me.
Monday (11/19) I woke up super early to be ready to get my car and drive to a dentist's appointment back home. The car people were late, and couldnt figure out where I live. There is only the hotel and a BBQ restaurant on the street I live on. Really guys? So I got the car and drove to my dentist appointment late. Then I went home and knew someone was home but no one was answering. It freaked me out, so i hid in the game room under my HP blanket for protection....only to have my dad come in from the backyard and I realized it was him who was home. I then fell asleep for 3 hours of the floor until my dad woke me up for my doctor's appointment. I'm a genius. I got there late, and the doctor was even later to see me. I got some kolaches for lunch for me and my dad. We hung out and I eventually went back to my place and a B&N to get a NOOK cover, because I already scratched my NOOK screen...oops.
Tuesday (11/20) was my first day at work, and I felt awkward and alone....pretty much all week. No friends for Natasha. And I sit with my back to the bosses and it's awkward. I found out that my boss (who isn't even at my same office) couldnt meet with me till next week. So i had nothing to do all week. I was taken out to lunch by the plant manager and some other people in charge, and i felt so awkward, but tried my best to be social. Normally it's lindsay who is the social one, and i just get to benefit from the fruit of her social labors. Soooo much work. The only good thing about my first day in my new location was that I got to spend it with Lindsay anyways; we kept each other company through work IM all day, so i didn't feel so lonely. At the end of the work day, I tried to leave only to have my car keys stuck in the ignition (sedalia déjà vu). The car wouldnt start or anything. I called Enterprise, and they sent a new car over. I was so annoyed.
When I got into work (11/21), I tried to get onto my computer and it was locked. I couldnt get access. I had to call the IT office to get them to unlock it remotely. Ridiculous. I realized last night that I left my leather jacket in the rental car and wanted them to unlock the car for me so I could get it out. When I called, they said that they couldnt get the keys out and had to leave them in last night when they left. I double checked and there were no keys in the ignition. Everyone was really confused. Plus, I had been calling so much, the car guy, Reid, recognized my number now. It turns out when one of the guys at work came in the car had somehow started itself and it was on, so he turned the car off and took the keys. Ridiculous. I left work and went shopping for a bit only to not buy anything because it was one of those days where everything made me look fat. So I went back to my hotel and laid out to get some much needed Vitamin D. YAY! It was so nice and relaxing. then I made the drive to my Aunt Son's house. I haven't been to her house since I was much younger. I honestly cant remember the last time I was there. #enoughsaid I got to see my grandma which was the best! she's too cool for school and my uncle john! yaya! Then my family showed up. It was nice. My mom and grandma saw the Gangum Style music video for the first time. (luckily i saw it about a week ago, so im cooler). My grandma said it was scary and she didnt like it. lol. I wasn't tired on the drive home, so saryah and i went to go see Pitch Perfect that night. #win
it was a HAPPY THANKSGIVING (11/22) when we went back to the Woodlands to have thanksgiving. it was nice and calm. the most strange thing that happened was my dad watching american football. me, him, and ron watched the Texans game. #strangethanksgiving but it was nice. we went back home and spent the rest of the night chillaxing. I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with my parents and it was a lot of fun.
las hermanas came over for dinner! one of them was from new zealand #win |
Finally/Miraculously, Friday (11/30) came around. I got a new rental car with a USB port and a working phone charger part. After work and after the gym, I drove home. And my dad had bought ice cream...Blue Bell ice cream. The magical cure-all. We ate and I talked. He suggested we go walk around the mall. While we were there, I decided to get him so grown-up casual shoes, something my dad has never owned. Luckily, we found something, and they joy of helping others came back into my life. lol. When we got home, i started feeling inspired from our conversations, and I goals started coming into my mind. It was great! It started getting late, and mom insisted that i stay the night. Doneskis. Also, unlike dad previously told me, mom wanted to go to costa rica with me. yay! And i found out that two friends from high school live in Houston and want to hang out! Friends!
Athena reminding me, you're never too old to climb on kitchen counters :) |
I already have 3 things on my list
German class -
golf lessons -
Tai Chi in the summer -
This past week was much better. I was a busy little bee. sunday (2/2) was good, especially since mom made an English roast and dad made an apple rhubarb crumble. yum yum. Monday was nice, and i had a personal FHE with myself as i went to see the Houston Temple. Tuesday, I had to go back home to pick up something from the dentist, so i spend the whole evening at home, and it was super fun. saryah is determined i need an expensive adult purse. personally....i would rather spend my money on travelling than on expensive personal items. but i should try to do better. As Kevin reminded me so kindly on Wednesday morning...YOLO!!!!!!! I've been planning the trip to Costa Rica all week and trust me....it's going to be Legen-wait for it-dary! That's right guys. I have even booked our surf lesson for Christmas morning. I'm going to spend Christmas surfing the waves in Costa Rica. I. Cant. Wait. I'm also looking into repelling in waterfalls. traveling to from Monteverde to Arenal on horseback. It's going to be adventure filled. If this doesn't break up the monotony of my life....i dont know what will. A couple times this week, i feel like im channeling Dena, who is my super adventurous, outdoorsy, super hott friend. aka...she's me, but adventurous and a red-head :) Life is looking up. I'm feeling more inspired and goal-oriented. I once again, I have direction in my life...and that makes me happy.
A Quote from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland:
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Alice: …so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.
I SO did not cry when I said goodbye..I had a seriously delayed reaction to all the pollen in the area. It was probably hanging out on my eyelashes or something from April and decided to get in my eyes at that exact moment.