12 February 2013

I learn something new every day!

This is just a list of things I have learned/discovered over the past week:

Work bestie, charles, is my bestie for sure. Why?
1. I just downloaded the GasBuddy app, and it said that Sam's Club had the cheapest gas....so he let me borrow his sams club card!
2. He wanted to buy me a Panera cookie because he was there getting breakfast, but when he saw the cookies they said things like "I love you" and "Be mine". He decided that wasn't the best kind of cookie to be giving at work and didnt want HR problems. lol #istillwantedacookie #itsthethoughtthatcounts

I hate SnapChat!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's stupid. why dont people just sent picture texts like the old days? #tradionalist

Sword umbrellas exist
glamping is the only kind of camping  you will ever see me particiate in. #glamper

"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside ... we ALL believe that we are above average drivers!"
- Dave Barry, 'Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn'

I've decided to not text or talk on the phone when I am driving: Surprisingly, using a hands-free device is no safer than holding a phone. Either way, the accident statistics are the same. Why? It has to do with the human brain. Humans can't think of more than one thing at a time. We can switch back and forth between thoughts, or focus on one and monitor another.

Catch Me If You Can, the musical is really funny. And it makes me think of Neal Caffery and makes me want to be a con-man #idbetoonervoustobearealconman
Holly can pull off a fannypak :)  @Galveston
It turns out Galveston Marti Gras (Carnival, for all the Europeans out there) during the day isn't as iniquitous as one would think. I went with Holly and Ryan, where I also learned that Ryan carries a dagger on him at all times. Ok, so maybe like a Swiss army knife, but it seems so much cooler when you say *dagger*. I also learned that no knifes are allowed in the Marti Gras area of Galveston. We got beads and it was a lot of fun. Luckily, no flashing was required for these beads, and it was fun.
If you wear a lot of beads....you get neck pains. #beadsaresuprisinglyheavyinlargequantities

It also turns out I'm super old because i had no energy after Marti Gras to go to Seth's masquerade. I was sooooo sad I missed it and passed out on my bed. Really, it was probably the better decision. I'm pretty sure I would have crashed if I had driven.

I love ginger kids. I've only known 3 ginger kids. The first 2 were twins, a boy and a girl. Saryah and I would call them Fred and Georg-ina. (because calling a little girl George, is just asking for all kinds of problems). Now I have know the 3rd, and we call him Ron. Why do I like ginger babies? Because they all look like Weasleys!
Weasley is our King :)
I bribed little Nathan with Reese's to wear my Gryffindor scarf and James flew him around on a broomstick as we took pictures. He is sooo adorable! And he's my new bff.
Saryah is really funny to watch when little kids try to
climb all over her. #notamomyet

Child labor is wrong, but can be adorable

When life gives you lemons, you cannot make lemonade by squeezing all the lemons at once. You do it one by one. I was having a terrible day on Monday and was feeling overwhelmed. But I started looking at my problems one by one, and they didn't seem so bad when you separate them.

My ex-bff is preggers and I had to find out via facebook. If I ever see him again, I plan on smacking him in the face. That's a promise. ps. im not smacking him just because of *this*

I can eat fast food for lunch, talk to Erica on the phone, take a shower, look fabulous, and drive to get a Panera cookie, and make it back to work in less than an hour. and yes. I believe Panera cookies heal your soul :) #addictedtopaneracookies

Also, it's hard to be having a bad day when little kids are around and being super loving. Especially when little Nathan (aka Ron) asks to help you make cookies saying "I've never made heart shaped cookies before". It would even make the Grinch's heart grow.

Do not buy colored icing that can be mistaken for colored caulking. Some boys find it strange and are reluctant to use it to decorate cookies.

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