20 February 2013

"The time has come" the Walrus said, "To talk of many things..."

Dear world,

My birthday is this weekend. All I really want is a Judge's gavel. #truestory When I told wbff (work bff) Charles this, he said I need to ask for something else so i don't come of so crazy. Therefore I have added 2 more things for my list.
  1. Judge's Gavel
  2. Snuggie
  3. Nook Gift Card
  4. Aviators....from someone feeling generous
  5. A chauffeur for life....i've decided I hate driving.
  6. Someone to fly to Orlando with me to swim with the manatees in March or April :)
  7. CHI hair straightener....mine blew the fuse when I tried it in Europe last year :(
  8. purple flats or closed-toed heels.  (im a size 6.5 or 37 depending on where you're shopping)
Commence Randomness!!!!!!

I got my birthday dress in the mail and it fits! and there was much rejoicing! :)

Work bestie Charles' pearl of wisdom: no one ever hates the ugly girls. Also, he's decided to tell this guy at work, tyler, that i'm in love with him. except when i deny it, it sounds more like im embarrassed and didnt want him to find out rather than a real denial. #embarrassing #charlesthinksitshysterical

Other work thing: Andres. Andres likes to sneak up behind me and scare me. Anyone who knows me knows that I scream when snuck up on. I am not amused. Then he laughs and touches my shoulder. Which makes me madder. Dude, we're co-workers, not friends, and you're married. ¡NO ME TOQUES! I really want to turn around and stab him whenever he does it.....ok.....i really just want to turn around and punch him super hard. No knifes needed. The embarrassment of him crying like a little girl when I hit him will satisfy my need for justice.
My boss came by to talk to me while i was drawing this picture. This is Andres trying to sneak up to my desk with his sneaky little arms out. That is me, with a pink light-saber, about to jump from my hiding place on the cube wall and attack!

It's strange to think how times do change...This past Friday, I went to a party...a dress like a hipster party. Who did I hang out with at this party? My brother's bff, Stevie, Stevie's wife Sonjia and others. A decade ago. I could have never imagined hanging out with my brother's bestie. I wouldn't really hang out with my brother. If you ask my mother, she still thinking my brother and I pretend to no know each other in public. Little does she know, Jamsie and I hang out. Now I hang out with his friends, and you know what? they are cool friends.

On Saturday, my new friend Teri Jo came over to my house! Like my real home. I haven't had friends over and meet my parents in so long. it was cool. well....she only met my mom, but that's beside the point. I was also really proud of myself because i finally have started cleaning my room. because i just leave it as is, since i dont ever live there long enough to do something, but i started cleaning it out more. maybe one day, i will get rid of all the stuff i do not need.

I hate Lance Armstrong. Ok. So I dont  hate him, but I want him to become human enough to feel bad, not for getting caught but for being a big fat liar. This is probably my favourite article written, probably because it's a British writer and it's like he just stole the tone, voice, and words our of my head.

When she began directing in the forties, Ida Lupino sometimes claimed not to know the best way to line up a shot or specify a line reading, explaining “Men hate bossy women. Sometimes I pretend to know less than I do.” #ivedonethatbefore #icanthelpitthatimsmarterthanmostmen

So Saryah has introduced me to the tumblr #allmyfriendsaremarried. Literally. The. Funniest. Thing. Ever. I've decided that this one is the story of my life. Seriously. I hate it. I want to scream. It happens all the time. And this one is pretty good too. Bottom line: she references that she gets drunk over everything, and curses occasionally, but if you can get past that, it's honest truth.

I have discovered Downton Abbey, finally. The first season I was merely curious....the second season is when I fell in love. Spoiler Alert: I love Mr. Bates. He's my homie. I'm happy they've humanized Mary, because I really hated her. Plus, Tom and O'Brien are not likeable...but I don't hate them as much as I did. Plus, I'm in love with Matthew. His blue eyes blow me away. everytime. Thanks mom for finally making me watch it. I stayed up till 3am last night watching it online. #stilllearninghowtojustsayno

life lesson of the day:
"The light of Jesus Christ is stronger than any darkness we face in this life, if we have faith in Him, seek after Him, and obey Him." ~ Virginia U. Jensen

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