06 January 2014

Willkommen bis 2014

New Years Resolutions (aka. To Do List for 2014)

I was looking back and was pretty pleased with myself for having accomplished many of my goals in 2013. I think this is the best way for me to put up my resolutions because it's good for me to look at it throughout the year and see how I'm doing. This is the first year that I've done that. It seems to have worked out pretty well.
  1. Become PADI Scuba Certified - looking at this place
  2. Enter Raffle for SNL Tickets
  3. Go to Boston
  4. Urban Survival Class
  5. Run a nine-minute mile. (if my knee doesn't kill me first)...or find a new physical activity
  6. Work out my arms more, so opening heavy doors is not a difficulty. 
  7. Become so comfortable with my body that I could work out in a sports bra and yoga pants if I wanted.
  8. Start dating again. Maybe put some effort into it.
  9. Make a lemon meringue pie successfully. 
  10. Learn about architecture and how to pick locks
After making this list, I realized, I haven't made any goals about really bettering myself. I was a little disappointed in myself, because earlier last year, goals about becoming a better person would have been some of the first things I thought about. Sadly, as 2013 progressed, it became more of a "Me" year; I mean this in the "I just want to have fun" sense. It was a fun year where I was able to do a lot of things I've always wanted to do. 2013 was the year to "Just Do It", and I loved it. I wanted 2014 to be a little like that too, but I have a feeling it will not. 

I've been a little more anti-social and introverted than usual over the past few months, and I have enjoyed every moment of it. Sadly, this wild ride of fun was put to a stop. I've been called to be Activities Co-Chair at church. Really, this is a good calling; it just goes against my recent track record of avoiding any socialization. It was like God said to me, "Natasha, I gave you your time to be anti-social, but now it's time to stop." Of course, He is right. I think 2014 is going to be a Back to Basics kind of year. Do the simple things in life, because 2013 was a wild and crazy ride for me. 
  1. Be more social. 
  2. Work on the Christlike attribute of humility. Seriously...it's hard being this amazing ;)
  3. Be more prayerful
  4. Go to the temple at least once a month
  5. Read and/or listen to the scriptures everyday
  6. Be more loving and forgiving, especially towards those I have purposefully avoided in 2013 due to the constant negativity they bring into my life
I have this feeling that 2014 is going to hold some big decisions for me. I really can't explain it, but I'm super excited for 2014. 
Decision 1: buying my very own car. 
Look out world, here comes Adult Natasha. I leave you now with my fav song at this time. Happy New Year world!

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