24 July 2012

A Tired Tale

My week this past week was plagued with a bought of anti-social behavior and sleep deprivation. It was decided Monday night that we didn't have the energy to go to Croatia this weekend.

In my infinite wisdom, I decided to stay up late Monday night to read a book. BAD IDEA when you don't have an full time job and you have to wake up at 6am every morning because of it. The bad choice was only made worse when I did the same thing Tuesday night and Wednesday night. I recall a famous saying about insanity and making the same decision expecting different results. yep. what can I say. it's a problem and i need therapy.  But I did read 4 books this week. yay! and they were good, which makes it better. but then I was book hungover where I couldnt read anything else because my brain was still stuck in the book world.

Thursday we went to the B2Run 6k run because our company was going. It was colder than we thought and we ended up staying out later than expected. It was pretty fun though.

Friday was a little horrific as Lindsay and I received the news of the Denver shooting. Then our train back into Munich after work was delayed because of a dead body on the tracks. Needless to day, our day was a little depressing. My heart and prayers go out to the families of those who lost their lives or were injured in such a terrible act of depravity. Friday night, Lindsay and I went to get those amazing salads again, and we decided it was our new place, because the waitress remembered us and our orders. I got a No-jito (a mojito without the alcohol) and it was pretty cool. Since it was cold and rainy, we didnt want to walk around Munich anymore and decided to see what was playing at the English movie theatre. So we saw they were showing a "sneak peek" movie and wanted to know what it was. It turns out they are not allowed to tell us. We called three different times to obtain clues and hints that would lead us to deduce which movie would be playing. We decided it was either between the Batman movie or this creepy Frankenstein movie that is really a play that was filmed. So we decided to take our chances and go. We were next in line to buy our tickets and then they posted a "sold out" sign. bah humbug. So instead we went back home. #angst

 Saturday, I woke up at 6:30 am and only to look out the window at the continued overcast skies and cold weather and fought the urge to go back to sleep because I had planned to go to Salzburg, Austria. I hopped the 7:30 train to Salzburg and arrived 1.5 hours later. Nice quick train. yay. I made it in time for the 9:30 Fraulein Maria Bike Tour. It was pretty epic. One the bike tour was me, two families, and a Canadian girl, who had intense problems riding a bike. Oh Canada... enough said. The bike tour was good. but there wasn't as much inside scoop-ness as I was hoping for. 
 We saw a lot of the sites of the filming and I'm not blogging all the pics, just some of my faves. Like the Abbey gates :) The Nonnberg Abbey. We biked and sang The Sound of Music songs aloud. It was pretty epic with cheesiness. It was a little drizzly and the tour guide kept asking me if I wanted to buy a pancho. Nope. I'm good because this is not real rain. That's what I thought at least. I just used my scarf to wrap it over my hair when it was drizzling to prevent frizzing, but it was fine because it never really rained. Linda and I became photo friends so we took pics of each other. It was pretty convenient.

16 Going on 17 gazebo :
The (front of the) Von Trapp (movie) House 

The Mozart Bridge the kinds sang and danced over
The Do-Re-Mi stairs :)

I did all the main Salzburg things you have to do. I was super tired and after wandering the Salzburg Castle, I was walking out and saw a kid shooting a crossbow. I thought, "no. that's too cool for school" and decided I must do it too. I'm pretty good. I got 3 shots for 2 Euro. Sweet! I hit the target the first time and i hit the bull's eye twice! literally hitting the same spot two times. I'm not that good at shooting guns, but it turns out I'm pretty awesome and shooting crossbows.
Mozart's House
On Sunday I went to church and saw this girl in a really cute jacket, so I went to tell her. I said it twice and determined she must just speak German and after I thought that, the lady next to her said in Spanish, "me gusta su chaqueta" and I said "you speak Spanish!" and we started to chat in Spanish. After church we were chatting and the lady, Gloria, asked me what I was doing after church. I told her my plans included going home and taking a nap. She said if I didnt mind skipping my nap, that I was invited to her home for lunch. I accepted. I was really excited. Gloria is sooo nice and her cousin is 21 and her name in Meilyn. Gloria's husband is Spanish and he made a yummy Spanish tortilla with some spanish salad. Oh it was like a Spain flashback. So amazing.  They were so kind and welcoming to invite me home for lunch. I love latinos. Afterwards, her daughter and I went to the S-bahn together and she showed me how to get home because they're doing construction on the weekends so the S-bahn is pretty much messed up. I got home and ended up taking a 3 hour nap and slept through the Sunday night YSA dinner. sad day.
Shooting at the Salzburg Castle. I made 2 bulls eyes 
On Thursday it was my one year mark of being home off my mission. It was a time for refection. It's been quite a year. A year of miracles and blessing, but a year of adjustment and changing too. I'll be forever grateful. I would write more about it but i've been feeling a lot of writers block lately and cannot say anything really. maybe one day.

Quote of the week: "Sometimes a person doesn’t know what he’s made of until strangers try to tear it down." -Walter Kirn

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