02 July 2012

I threw a wish in the well, Don't ask me I'll never tell...

Personal Achievement for the week: I managed to fix my Excel so that I can open files in different windows and not have to compare side-to-side. WIN! I feel victorious.

Silly-Me Moment of the week: I was daydreaming on the S-baun this morning and missed my stop. So I had to wait 10 minutes for the train backwards to take me to town. Then I decided to walk to the office instead of wait 15 minutes for the bus. Once again, I should have just waited for the bus. I should have only been 10 minutes late to work, but I got lost and my smartphone maps wasn't working for a bit. Then it wouldn't find my office so I had to find it on google, which had the wrong address. So I showed up to work about 35 minutes late. Bah humbug.

I was at a meeting earlier last week in Surrey, and I told one of the guys that I wanted to learn how to golf, so they were trying to convince my boss that I needed to come back to England for more "training" next week so we could all play golf together. It was funny. Another funny moment, when they told us we were going to have BBQ and eat hamburgers on Tuesday night. LOL. They had little hamburger patties to eat, and that's it. No buns or toppings. It made me laugh. ButI flew back into Munich last Wednesday night. I was exhausted, but I did a load of laundry when I got in. Lindsay moved into the apartment building while I was away so we went to work together Thursday morning.  

Thursday was the Germany v. Italy game and Lindsay and I went with Petra (one of the HR girls at work) to see the game at the Olympic stadium. It was so cool. We kept seeing people with German Flags of their faces and were super jealous. Then miraculously, we got out of the metro and there was a stand with German stuff to buy. I saw the german flag face paint stick and we got it!!!! Seriously too cool for words! So we painted our faces and made Petra do it too. Then we got some brats as we waited for the game to start. Everyone was so excited. I loved it. Though it was super sad when Italy scored the first two goals in the first half. You could feel how tangible the sadness was. People literally cried. So we went back to our apartment that night sad and super tired because we got back so late.

So Friday, we were pretty tired. We were planning on doing a bike tour with Jarrett after work, but it didn't work out. We were too tired, which worked out fine because we got home late too. I had an international conference call that lasted over an hour. It was the longest conference call I've ever had. Crazy. But Friday night was nice and relaxing. Lindsay and I went to the restaurant next door to our apartment, we've decided we're going to become regulars where they know our names and  The food was good. The dessert, not so much. My German friend, David appeared towards dessert and was able to explain what a Flaming Cake was to us. (we're very curious people) For dessert, I got a strawberry shake for dessert...it was room temperature and watery...very interesting. Anyways, had a nice night in.

Saturday, Lindsay, Jarrett and I went to Lake Tegernsee. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! So Lindsay and I took the train in and Jarrett was supposed to meet us there. He showed up 2 hours later. Boys. Lindsay and I vetoed the 3-hour hike Jarrett wanted to do. IT WAS SOOO HOT! Anyways, we took a rented a little boat with an engine and Jarrett chauffeured Lindsay and I around the Lake. It was awesome because Lindsay put on music from her iPod and it was like theme music for our lives. It was unreal how perfect it was.  We then went swimming in the Lake because we were dying from the heat. (Off subject...I forgot my swimsuit at home in Texas because I was planning on getting a new one, but ran out of time to buy a new one so only have my lap-swimming suit. bad tan lines. #germanyproblems) So we were told there was a sandy beach to go to. False Doctrine. It was a rock beach. Lindsay and I forgot towels too. So we went in and swam. It was legit. On the way out, I slipped on a rock and fell. Now my ankle hurts when I walk. Dag yo. We then decided we wanted to go paragliding! So we went to the town over to do so, and by the time we got there, the tram that would take us to the top of the mountain was closed :/ On the drive back we found a private part of the lake. So we paid to go in, but they had lounge chairs! So we laid out some and it was glorious! Oh Mr. Sun, it is good to be friends again. (with sun block protection, of course) We then went to eat at a beer-garden which is famous in the town. We made friends with the Germans on our left and the fellow Texans on my right! Wutup! So legit. It was a perfect day. (minus my injury) but I'm so grateful for everyday of living the dream. I love it. 

p.s. the title for the blog is because the theme song for the day on saturday was Call Me Maybe. It kept on playing in the radio. It was the song we were listening to on Lindsay's iPod on the lake in the boat. Plus, it's been stuck in my head. 

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