09 July 2012

life y la muerte

This had been a crazy past week. Truth.
First off, I woke up in a boy's bed on Saturday morning after a crazy night of dancing and drinking fruity drinks. (I spent about 2 days thinking about that opening line. Truth.)

This drink made me OD with sugar
Real Version of events: After shopping Friday afternoon after wook.  I went to a YSA dance in Rosenheim with some of my new English speaking friends from church. We were going to get back to Munich super late and some of the metros weren't working this past weekend and we all live super far apart, so one of the Erik's parents suggested me and Jaime (my new galpal who i just clicked with) sleep over. So we got in super late and Jamie and I slept in Erik's room and Erik slept in a different room. Then Erik's mom fed us fruit and croissants and yummy things for breakfast. Then Erik drove us to a metro station and I had to do the Walk of Shame...aka I didn't bring a change of clothes for the sleepover. It was a funny.

Then I went home showered and woke up Lindsay who gotten in this morning from a week in Italy. It was soooo lonely at work this week because her and Petra didn't come in at all. :( But we went and got Lindsay some groceries and then had a late lunch. It was the most amazing salad of my LIFE!  There was steak on top of my salad. More proof that God loves me.

After eating the most delicious salads of our lives, at a place across the street from our flat, we went to the Tollwood Festival in the Olympic Park. SOOOOO LEGIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Saryah would LOVE it. It's like a outdoor market with music and lots of food.

On Sunday, I was late for the metro to go to my bus, so I decided to take the next metro for the next bus. On that bus, a car hit the bus, so we were stuck waiting for the police, only for me to realize that my metro pass expired the day before. Dang. I didn't realize that what had happened because no one felt the bus get hit and there was no damage done. I saw a guy get off the bus, so after a few moments of building my courage, I asked if I could get off the bus. He didn't really speak English, but this lady nearby asked if I was going to church. I said yes, and she proceeded to translate for me and explain what was going. We ended up crossing the highway to get to a different bus station. We were luckily only 20 minutes late for church. Milagro. Then later that night Lindsay came with me and we went to the YSA Sunday dinner. One of the guys made food. And I found out there were the Colombian guys who were YSA! So I got to sit next to one of them and we were chatting in Spanish all night. I love speaking Spanish and we had a lot of fun, even though he told me Mexicans weren't Latinos. Puh-leez. 

So I was talking to my boss, Betsy, today to clarify one of my assignments; she was saying that she felt bad because I'm in the waiting phase of the project and as soon as I leave it's probably going to pick up quickly. I said jokingly, "well, if you need me, you can just ask Michael to extend my say so I skip my USA rotation" She responded, "would you really be okay with that?" I said yes. She said that it had been brought up before and it would be allowed if she needed me and she would keep me posted. I quickly told Lindsay and then said "dang...I would need a coat cuz it'll get cold" and she said "really?!? that's the big deal here?" So the good news is that I may be able to have a 6 month stay in Germany and go to Brazil from here. The bad news is I would not be able to do my USA visits to see everyone that I have already planned. But I'm trying not to take that talk seriously until they tell me officially. 

On a more somber note. 
Hoy recibí los noticias que una mujer muy especial en mi vida se falleció. Mi Mama Aguila, después una lucha contra leucemia por dos años. Me recordó una conversación que tuve con el presidente de mi misión después del fallecimiento de un miembro de mi familia dos años pasados. "Es los momentos como así cuando nuestros testimonios del plan de salvación son tan importante." Sé que voy a verla una otra vez. Sé que familias son eternas y hay vida después de esta vida. Sé que Jesucristo murió y se resucitó el tercer día para vencer la muerte para que podamos vivir una otra vez con Él. Yo sé que vive mi Señor y que el nos ama. Ella cambió mi vida y la ama para siempre. 

Esta es para ti, hermana:
1. Placentero nos es trabajar en la viña del gran Rey Jesús, y honroso nos es predicar a Su pueblo, Su ley y Su Luz. Por Su luz, por Su luz, placentero nos es trabajar. Por Su luz, por Su luz, moriremos en El sin pesar.
2. La palabra de Dios escuchad con ahínco, lealtad, y fervor. Para siempre jamás recordad Su pureza, verdad, y amor. Con amor, con amor, la palabra de Dios escuchad. Con amor, con amor, la bandera de Dios empuñad.
3. ¡Oh [hermana], adiós, pues, adiós! El momento de ir vino ya. Si guardamos la fe en el gran Dios, nos veremos aun más allá, Más allá, más allá, ¡Oh [hermana], adios, pues adios! Más allá, más allá, moraremos con Dios en amor. 

1 comment:

  1. I take issue with several things in this post....

    2. No Spanish. It's not fair.
