13 July 2012

Learning German

So Monday night at FHE (Family Home Evening) Jaime and I were trying to guess what the guys were saying in German. We guessed one sentence correctly. Then they decided to have a new conversation while Jamie and I "translated". It was an epic arguement over Oreos...but when it ended it turns out they were discussing the colors in a rainbow. (Not as cool as our interpretation).

Lindsay and I were practising our German on Tuesday. I felt super proud of myself and decided to send Lukas a note of a phrase I learned: "Viel Glück". His response, "Danke! Aber wofür?" So I felt clever because I made a sentence in German in my head without having to look it up and responded, "Für huete". Really, I felt like a genius for making a sentence in German all on my own...until he wrote back, "You mean 'heute'? Because huete means 'hats' and today I'm not wearing any! :) Where are you learning German?" Dang. #EpicFail.  But it's okay because I learned how to say 10 other words/phrases that day. WIN!

I booked tickets to Prague with Lindsay for this weekend on Tuesday.  WOOT!

my work family
Thursday we had a work party. Not just any work party...but a Par-tay (aka Summer Fest)! We went to our site in Memmingen, and there was a bus that was going to take us at 1:30, but I had a conference call at 2:30, which I had to do. In the end, I went with a co-worker whose name is Thorsten...like Thor! I was excited! We got there and I was put in a conference room. However, the music from the Summer Fest was coming through the windows and could be heard. It was pretty funny. So I said there was a party going on next door and put my phone on mute during the phone conference.
potato sack racing #epicfailjarrett

During the phone conference, Steve was saying, "Betsy, I think Natasha should come up for a few days to talk about XXX" and Besty said, "Yeah. Natasha, do you think you'll be able to go to England for a few days?" My response? "I think I can make it happen" My first thoughts? "YAY! I can buy more cookies! I have like 5 left! Woohoo!" Really, it's the simple things in life we have to appreciate. And if I can find a post office, maybe I'll mail some cookies and chocolate home for the fam, but more than likely everything will be closed before I get out of work.

Lindsay and I got 2nd place in the women's division
Friday, I left/dropped my black cardigan on U-Bahn on the way to work :( sad. Then we forgot to get my orange juice for breakfast. I'm hoping this is not a bad omen for our Prague weekend.

But a good thing is...it's payday! And we're planning a trip to Croatia next weekend. Life is good. Really. Cue Theme Song!!! 

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